The safety of all students is of the highest priority for BHSU-RC, which is why there is a full-time on-site security officer. If you find yourself in a difficult situation in the BHSU-RC and the situation is not life threatening, please call security 605.718.4220; otherwise call 911. Please do not ignore threats of violence – report them immediately.
BHSU-RC Emergency Procedures Handout.
Please register for the BHSU-RC emergency alert system. Authorization codes are generated for all new students within the first four weeks of the semester and will be sent to your student e-mail account. After you receive your authorization code, access the website at to register for the BHSU-RC emergency alert system. Once registered, you will receive alert messages in the event of an emergency and closures (weather or other).
Critical Emergency:
From on-campus phone: 9.911
From off-campus phone: 911
Rapid City Public Safety:
From on-campus phone 4220
From off-campus phone 605.718.4220
Rapid City Facilities Services:
From on-campus phone 4161
From off-campus phone 605.718.4161
The Campus Alert system is an emergency notification tool for the public universities, special schools, and higher education centers governed by the South Dakota Board of Regents, including BHSU-RC. This system builds on other methods of information distribution and communication and greatly expands BHSU-RC's ability to quickly and reliably communicate with students, staff and faculty during an emergency. In a crisis, this mode of communication will serve as a reliable tool enabling BHSU-RC to contact the entire campus community.
In order to receive vital safety messages, students are encouraged to register all available contact information. All staff and faculty are also automatically included in this alert system with their campus-assigned email address. An email is sent to the campus-assigned email account with information about how to register for the alert system. Staff and faculty are required to register and add any campus-provided phone numbers (desk, cellular). Inclusion of personal contact information such as home telephone or personal cellular phone is encouraged, but not required. You will receive information through your university’s email pertaining to your personal information in this system. Please make certain to read this information closely and follow the instructions that are sent. For more information on the Campus Alert System, please visit
Please Note:
This system will not be used to announce class cancellations due to weather conditions. Please call the weather line at 605.718.4118 for this information.
Students who are registered for one or more BHSU-RC face-to-face classes will be assessed a parking maintenance fee of $17.50 per semester (fall and spring terms only). This fee supports the maintenance of the parking lot, sidewalks, and snow removal.
The fee will appear on your bill as “BHSU-RC Parking” and it will be added after you register for classes. Refunds, because of changes in registration, will be made following the Census date (the last day to drop or add a class with a full refund) and within 30 days of the start of classes.
You will not receive a parking tag or sticker for your vehicle at BHSU-RC. If you are taking classes in Spearfish you may need to purchase a parking pass. Please contact facility services in Spearfish for more information.
BHSU-RC is committed to following the federal law, Title IX of the Education Amendment, and its policy prohibiting discrimination and harassment in educational programs, activities and its employment practices. BHSU-RC is committed to ensuring equal access to its educational programs and employment opportunities without regard to sex, gender, race, color, national origin, religion, age, disability, pregnancy, gender identity, sexual orientation, predisposing genetic characteristics, marital status, veteran status, military status, domestic violence victim status, or ex-offender status.
BHSU-RC is committed to providing an environment not impaired by sex and gender-based misconduct, including sex discrimination and sexual harassment. Title IX of the Education Amendment of 1972 is a federal law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in educational programs, activities and employment practices. Therefore, students, employees, applicants and other members of the BHSU-RC community (including without limitation, vendors, visitors, and guests) may not be subject to discrimination or harassment or otherwise treated adversely based upon a protected characteristic. This includes, without limitation, sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking.
Similarly, BHSU-RC will not tolerate harassing, violent, intimidating or discriminatory conduct by its students, employees or any other member of or visitor to the university community. This policy applies to conduct occurring on campus, during any university program or activity on or off-campus or abroad, including academic programs, admissions, athletics, recruitment, financial aid, housing, employment, as well as certain off-campus conduct perpetrated or suffered by a BHSU-RC student, employee, staff member, or third party member of the university community.
BHSU-RC encourages individuals to report all gender-based misconduct immediately to the BHSU-RC Title IX Contact, at 605.718.4088 (or another BHSU-RC staff member), who will coordinate with BHSU Title IX Coordinator, Lois Flagstad. The university will fully and promptly investigate all allegations of gender-based misconduct and will impose disciplinary measures, or take similar actions, as may be appropriate.
Title IX and the University strictly prohibits retaliation. Any person who attempts to penalize, intimidate or threaten a person who makes a report or cooperates in an investigation of gender-based misconduct, harassment or discrimination will be disciplined. Any person who believes he or she has been the victim of retaliation should immediately contact the Title IX Coordinator or one of the Deputy Title IX Officers.
This policy is in accordance with federal and state laws and regulations prohibiting discrimination and harassment. These laws include Title IX (prohibiting discrimination and harassment based on sex), the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, and Title VII.
SDBOR Policy 1:17 - Harassment including Sexual Harassment
SDBOR Policy 1:17.1 - Prevention of Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, and Stalking
SDBOR Policy 3:4 - Student Conduct Code