Black Hills State University
Black Hills State University announces the 27th annual Black Hills Research Symposium. The Black Hills Research Symposium is an interdisciplinary conference designed to showcase undergraduate and graduate research and creative activity in the Black Hills region.
We invite submissions from undergraduate and graduate university students in the Black Hills area to present posters or to give oral presentations describing completed scholarly or creative activity work. Student work must be done in collaboration with a faculty research mentor. An interdisciplinary faculty committee will review submissions for acceptance.
During the Black Hills Research Symposium, a panel of qualified personnel will judge student presentations and give comprehensive feedback.
Abstract submissions must include the following information:
Research presented at the BHRS must be approved by the BHSU Animal Care and Human Subjects Committee, if applicable. Please see the BHSU RESEARCH POLICIES page.
Guidelines for poster presentations will be included in the acceptance notification. Click here for NCUR Poster specifications.
Research presented at the BHRS must be approved by the BHSU Animal Care and Human Subjects Committee. Details can be found here.
The BHSU logo "should be prominent and be immediately noticeable on all publications." Click here for correct logo and information about usage.
BACKGROUND: The Iowa Gambling Task (IGT) models decision-making under ambiguous conditions. Various clinical populations exhibit poor IGT performance. In non-clinical populations, women perform worse than men. Poor IGT performance may be broken-down into three psychological components: attention to gains, attention to recent outcomes, and erratic choosing. METHOD: Because the serotonin system innervates brain areas associated with decision-making, this study examined IGT performance and variation in (a) 5-HTTLPR, a widely-studied promoter region polymorphism in the serotonin transporter; and (b) TPH2, the serotonin rate-limiting enzyme expressed in neurons. College students (N=188, Caucasian) donated cheek cells for genotyping and completed the IGT. RESULTS: For each block of twenty cards (5 blocks total), IGT net scores were calculated by subtracting the number of disadvantageous choices from the number of advantageous choices. A repeated-measures ANOVA, with IGT net score as the dependent variable, revealed a main effect for gender (F = 4.25, p = .002) and an interaction effect for 5-HTTLPR and gender (F = 3.89, p = .004). The interaction was strongest in the first block, where conditions are highly ambiguous. Men with at least one short allele (S/_) made fewer advantageous choices than men homozygous for the long allele (L/L). Women L/L carriers made fewer advantageous choices than S/_ carriers. A gender main effect was observed for recency (F = 5.96, p = .02), with women more likely to pay attention to recent outcomes. TPH2 was not associated with IGT performance.CONCLUSION: Results support evidence for gender differences in IGT performance. Furthermore, results support growing evidence that for men and women, 5-HTTLPR-variation is deferentially associated with cognition. (poster)