(revised 2020)
Research as it is used by BHRS is any systematic activity designed to produce new knowledge, including new ways of understanding and viewing the world. BHRS is an academically inclusive event that values the variety of methodologies human beings use to produce knowledge. Thus any of the following activities (and more) are included in our conceptualization of research:
Natural Sciences
Social and Behavioral Sciences
Mathematical Sciences
Literary works, including original written works and literary analysis
Artworks, including visual, auditory, and performing arts
Please provide qualitative feedback to the presenter on the identification and statement of the research question. Some questions to consider might be the following:
1. Is the research question, hypothesis, or creative objective of the presenter clearly stated?
2. Is the significance of this project clear?
Please provide qualitative feedback to the presenter on the research design and methodology. Some questions to consider might be the following:
1. Does the project conform to appropriate academic standards of the discipline?
Please provide qualitative feedback to the presenter on the research outcomes and conclusion of the presentation. Some questions to consider might be the following:
1. Is the interpretation of the results clearly supported by the evidence/data or other outcomes? Alternatively, does the project fulfill the scholar’s outlined creative objectives?
Please provide qualitative feedback to the presenter on the communication of their research. Some questions to consider might be the following:
1. Does the presenter frame the importance of the project in a broader context?
Please provide any other comments that could be helpful to the presenter.
1. Suggestions for improving the presentation or research?