Are you excited about undergraduate and graduate scholarships? If yes, please consider signing up to be a Black Hills Research Symposium reviewer!
Many of you serve as faculty advisors on projects to be presented at BHRS. It would be great if you could also serve as a reviewer at the symposium. We will have multiple oral and poster presentations this year which is very exciting BUT we need your help! Reviewing a presentation is solely for the benefit of the student in terms of gaining feedback on their project and their public speaking skills. Students are eager for your feedback and constructive criticisms regarding their projects.
You will have approximately one week to return feedback using an online form. We are asking that each presentation have two or three reviewers to provide a comprehensive review of each project. Thus, you may be assigned one or more presentations to review given your academic discipline.
Serving as a BHRS reviewer not only benefits the students but also you: you can certainly list this service on your PSEs. If interested, please fill out the information below. The BHRS committee thanks you for your time and support of student research here at BHSU.