Exchange Program Banner

What Is An Exchange Program?

A partner university is a school in another country with which Black Hills State has formed an agreement. If choosing to study at a Partner University, a BHSU student will pay BHSU tuition while attending. An exchange with a partner university can last a semester or a year, with some universities offering shortened summer programs as well. These programs are often taught in English and offer an abundance of class options. BHSU offers programs with several different universities, all offering different programs, so make sure you check them all out in the sidebar!

Contact Info

Kaitlin Palmer
Principal Designated School Official (PDSO) and Responsible Officer (RO)
Woodburn 115 Map
Phone: 605-642-6942
Fax: 605-642-6254

International Relations & Global Engagement
Black Hills State University
1200 University St.
Spearfish, SD, USA 57799