Becoming a math teacher is a rewarding career choice that allows you to inspire and shape young minds. By fostering a love for mathematics, you can equip students with essential skills for various fields, from science to finance. Witnessing students grasp challenging concepts and serving as a positive influence in their lives is deeply fulfilling. With job stability, diverse teaching settings, and the opportunity to create lifelong learners and problem solvers, being a math teacher is a noble profession that contributes to a more numerate and informed society. BHSU's Math Education program will prepare you for teaching math at the middle and high school levels following graduation.

Mathematics Education Major Course Requirements
Required Core - 42 semester hours
3 CSC 150 Computer Science I
4 MATH 123 Calculus I
4 MATH 125 Calculus II
4 MATH 225 Calculus III
3 MATH 281 Introduction to Statistics
3 MATH 315 Linear Algebra
3 MATH 321 Differential Equations
3 MATH 351 Foundations of Mathematics
3 MATH 361 Modern Geometry
3 MATH 413 Abstract Algebra I
3 MATH 423 Advanced Calculus I
3 MATH 481 Probability and Statistics
3 SEED 418 7-12 Math Methods
Restricted Electives - 6 semester hours (2 courses)
3 MATH 316 Discrete Mathematics
3 MATH 411 Theory of Numbers
3 MATH 416 Combinatorics
3 MATH 421 Complex Analysis
3 MATH 440 Mathematics of Finance
3 MATH 450 History of Mathematics
3 MATH 461 Introduction to Topology
3 MATH 487 Design of Experiments
Pre-Professional Teaching Core - 18 semester hours
1 EDFN 295 Practicum: Pre-Admission Teaching
2 EDFN 338 Foundations of American Education
3 EPSY 302 Educational Psychology
3 EPSY 428 Child & Adolescent Development
3 INED 411 South Dakota Indian Studies
3 PSYC 101 General Psychology (gen ed)
3 SPED 100 Into to Person with Exceptionalities
Professional Secondary Ed Teaching Core - 26 semester hours
3 EDFN 365 Computer-Based Technology & Learning
1 EDFN 375 Methods of Technology Integration
1 SEED 440 Classroom Management
2 MLED 480 Middle Level Methods
3 SEED 408 Plan, Manage & Assess the 7-12 Diverse Classroom
3 SEED 450 Reading and Content Literacy
1 SEED 495 Practicum: Pre-Student Teaching
3 EDFN 475 Human Relations
1-16 SEED 488 7-12 Student Teaching
Gen Ed Requirements - 30 semester hours
3 ENGL 101 Composition I
3 ENGL 201 Composition II
3 CMST Gen Ed - Speech
6* Gen Ed - Social Science
6* Gen Ed - Arts & Humanities
6-8 Gen Ed - Natural Science & Lab
A minor is NOT required with this major, but electives are required to total 120 hours. Students are encouraged to pursue a minor.
**Course requirements may vary by academic year. To view the requirements for your academic year, please visit Registration & Records for status sheets.**
Status Sheets
Mathematics & Computer Science Education Major Course Requirements
This emphasis is currently pending approval.
Required Core - 21 Semester Hours
4 MATH 123 Calculus I
4 MATH 125 Calculus II
4 MATH 225 Calculus III
3 MATH 281 Introduction to Statistics
3 MATH 361 Modern Geometry
3 SEED 418 7-12 Math Methods
Mathematics & Computer Science Education Emphasis - 27 Semester Hours
This is a collaboration between BHSU & South Dakota School of Mines & Technology
Take ONE of The Following:
Take ONE of The Following:
Take ONE of The Following:
Computer Programming
1 CSC 210 C++ Intro for Programmers (SDSM&T Course)
4 CSC 215 Programming Techniques (SDSM&T Course)
4 CSC 315 Data Structures & Algorithms (SDSM&T Course)
Take ONE of The Following:
Take two of the following electives:
- 3 MATH 315 Linear Algebra
- 3 MATH 316 Discrete Mathematics
- 3 MATH 321 Differential Equations
- 3 MATH 411 Theory of Numbers
- 3 MATH 413 Abstract Algebra I
- 3 MATH 416 Combinatorics
- 3 MATH 423 Advanced Calculus I
- 3 MATH 481 Probability and Statistics
- 3 CSC 415 Introduction to Robotics
**Course requirements may vary by academic year. To view the requirements for your academic year, please visit Registration & Records for status sheets.**
Status Sheets
Minor in Mathematics - Teaching - Course Requirements
18 semester hours
Required Core - 14 semester hours
Take 4 credits from the following (1-2 classes):
4 MATH 225 Calculus III
3 MATH 315 Linear Algebra
3 MATH 316 Discrete Mathematics
3 MATH 321 Differential Equations
3 MATH 351 Foundations of Mathematics
3 MATH 411 Theory of Numbers
3 MATH 413 Abstract Algebra I
3 MATH 416 Combinatorics
3 MATH 421 Complex Analysis
3 MATH 423 Advanced Calculus I
3 MATH 440 Mathematics of Finance
3 MATH 450 History of Mathematics
3 MATH 461 Introduction to Topology
3 MATH 481 Probability and Statistics
3 MATH 487 Design of Experiments
**Course requirements may vary by academic year. To view the requirements for your academic year, please visit Registration & Records for status sheets.**
Status Sheets