Welcome to our interesting and immersive History Education program at BHSU! Prepare to embark on an incredible journey through the past, gaining the expertise and pedagogical skills to inspire a deep appreciation for history in your future students. Led by experienced faculty and passionate educators, our comprehensive curriculum combines historical knowledge with innovative teaching methodologies, empowering you to shape critical thinkers and engaged citizens. Upon completion of this program, you will be prepared to teach history in a middle or high school classroom and incite a love of learning about our world - past, present, and future.

History Teaching Major Course Requirements
Required Core
- 3 HIST 115 Survey of Non-Western Civilizations
- 3 HIST 121 Western Civilization I (gen ed)
- 3 HIST 122 Western Civilization II
- 3 HIST 151 United States History I (gen ed)
- 3 HIST 152 United States History II
- 3 HIST 257 Early American Indian History and Culture (gen ed)
- 3 HIST 476 History of South Dakota
- 3 HIST 480 Historical Methods & Historiography
- 3 SEED 415 7-12 Social Science Methods
American History - Take 2 of the following courses
- 3 HIST 359 Recent American History
- 3 HIST 369 Modern American Indian History and Culture
- 3 HIST 409 Environmental History of the US
- 3 HIST 450 American Colonial History
- 3 HIST 455 American Civil War & Reconstruction
- 3 HIST 460 American Military History
- 3 HIST 465 Westward Expansion of US
- 3 HIST 467 History of the Black Hills
- 3 HIST 469 American Foreign Relations
European History - Take 2 of the following courses
- 3 HIST 322 Ancient Greece and Rome
- 3 HIST 327 European History 1500/1815
- 3 HIST 328 European History since 1815
- 3 HIST 344 The World Wars
- 3 HIST 345 Society, Culture, & Art in Georgian Britain
- 3 HIST 425 Medieval Europe
- 3 HIST 441 History of Modern Britain
- 3 HIST 442 History of Modern Italy
- 3 HIST 444 History of Modern Russia
- 3 HIST 447 History of Modern Germany
Non-Western/World History - Take 1 of the following
- 3 HIST 313 History of the Middle East
- 3 HIST 317 History of the Caribbean
- 3 HIST 318 Colonial/Post-Colonial Africa
- 3 HIST 342 Revolution and Revolt
- 3 HIST 376 Democracy and Democratization
- 3 HIST 412 History of the Far East
- 3 HIST 418 History of Latin America
- 3 HIST 419 World Environmental History
- 3 HIST 453 Slavery in the Atlantic World
History Electives
- 3 Take one additional course from the above categories
Humanities Reciprocity
Take one course from the following prefixes: ART, ARTH, ENGL, FREN, GER, HUM, MCOM, PHIL, RUSS, SPAN, THEA.
Pre-Professional Teaching Core
1 EDFN 295 Practicum: Pre-Admission
2 EDFN 338 Foundations of American Education
3 EPSY 302 Educational Psychology
3 EPSY 428 Child & Adolescent Development
3 INED 411 South Dakota Indian Studies
3 PSYC 101 General Psychology (gen ed)
3 SPED 100 Intro to Persons with Exceptionalities
Professional Secondary Ed Teaching Core
Gen Ed Requirements - 30 semester hours
3 ENGL 101 Composition I
3 ENGL 201 Composition II
3 MATH Gen Ed - Mathematics
3 CMST Gen Ed - Speech
6 Gen Ed - Social Science - (2 classes from different subjects)
6 Gen Ed - Arts & Humanities
6-8 Gen Ed - Natural Science & Lab
A minor is NOT required with this major, but electives are required to total 120 hours. To be certified to teach history, a content Praxis exam must be passed in both the major & minor areas of study.
**Course requirements may vary by academic year. To view the requirements for your academic year, please visit Registration & Records for status sheets.**
Status Sheets
History Teaching Minor Course Requirements
24 semester hours
Required Courses
- 3 HIST 121 Western Civilization I
- or
- 3 HIST 122 Western Civilization II
- 3 HIST 151 United States History I
- 3 HIST 152 United States History II
- 3 HIST 476 History of South Dakota
- 3 HIST 300/400 Non-US History Elective
- 3 HIST 300/400 US History Elective
- 3 SEED 415 7-12 Social Studies Methods**
Take ONE from the following:
- 3 HIST 115 Survey of Non-Western Civilization
- 3 HIST 313 History of the Middle East
- 3 HIST 412 History of the Far East
- 3 HIST 418 History of Latin America
**Course requirements may vary by academic year. To view the requirements for your academic year, please visit Registration & Records for status sheets.**
Status Sheets
** This course is required only for those taking Secondary Education. Those taking Elementary Education should replace this with an additional three hours of History electives.**