BHSU is participating in Recycle Mania again in 2015! The competition takes place all February and March! Our basketball Throwback- Don't Throw Away was !

Here's how we did this year! We beat our diversion rate from 2014!

Material Weight (lbs)
Plastic & Cans 83
Compost 81
Cardboard 21
Trash (Landfill) 27

87% of the trash was diverted from the landfill! We will see our results compared to other universities at the end of Recycle Mania in April! BHSU collects more than 200 pounds of waste during Recycle Mania event

2015 Results Are In!

Diversion rate - 3rd place - 87.264%

Food Organics - 5th place - 0.109 lbs/person

Per Capita Recycling - 9th place - 0.248 lbs/person

Waste Generation - 12th place - 0.285 lbs/person

2014's Event

Per Capita: 0.279 lbs/ person - Rank #3

Diversion Rate: 77.538%  - Rank #6

Least Amount of Waste Generation: 0.417 lbs/ person - Rank #18

Food Organics: 0.044 lbs/person - Rank #9

BHSU Students Samantha Starkey (left) and Brady Licht (right) collect recycling.BHSU students Samantha Starkey, exercise science major from Lusk, Wyo., and Brady Licht, English education major from Rapid City, guided people with trash collection and then sorted and weighed the waste at the end of the two games.

Material  Weight (lbs)
Bottles and Cans 133
Cardboard 31
Other Mixed Recyclables 54
Compost 34
Trash 73

**BHSU diverted 77.5% of the 325 lbs of waste collected from the landfill!**