Black Hills State University strives to create engaging and meaningful learning experiences in a positive and supportive environment for our students. At times, we may not meet student expectations. Therefore, students are encouraged to communicate their concerns, complaints, and suggestions. First, students should attempt to resolve their concern directly with the person or office directly involved. Following that attempt, should the concern remain unresolved, please reach out to us by either contacting Dr. Jane Klug, Dean of Students, located in the Student Union, Room 105e or by submitting your complaint, appeal, or grievance with the button below:
We take students' feedback, suggestions, complaints, and grievances seriously. The following resources are also available to you to make a report and/or talk with someone about your concerns:
BHSU Public Safety 24-hour on-call number is (605)641-6988. Or, call 911 in an emergency.
Password changes, Network Access, D2L Access, Banner:
Discrimination, Harassment, or Sexual Violence (Board of Regents Policy 1:17 and 1:18)
To file a complaint, please contact Dr. Breon Derby, Title IX Coordinator, located in the Young Center, room 202.
Academic and Grade Appeals
The South Dakota Board of Regents Policy 2:9, addresses student dissatisfaction with assigned grades. The process begins with the student meeting with the professor who issued the grade. If not resolved at this level, see the process outlined in BOR policy in 2:9.
Student Conduct
South Dakota Board of Regents Policy 3:4 Student Code of Conduct: Reports violations of University Policy, the Student Code of Conduct, or any other student concerns should be reported via the online form below.