For more information, contact the Interim OEP Coordinator Dr. Emilia Flint:
Contact the COLP Advisor (see contact information). Include the following information:
Policies: Acceptance subject to facility and COLP Leader availability. Minimum price set by minimum group size. Non-profit youth and school groups can request a discount if the request comes well in advance of the event and if COLP can still break even on program expenses, as this is an unsubsidized program. COLP focuses on group programs, not individual guiding services. Most programs are led by trained Outdoor Education students who are practicing their outdoor leadership skills. Waivers & acknowledgement/acceptance of risk required for participation. Chaperones must be present for youth programs. Young Center day pass may be required for off-campus groups. Use of BHSU gear or instructor approval of personal gear required.
All group programs are supervised by BHSU COLP Leaders and all equipment is provided.
Time: 2-6 hours
Group Size 8-50
Price Per Participant: $5/hour/person
Activities: These physical and mental activities develop cooperation, communication, decision making, problem-solving, and leadership and teamwork skills, leading to mutual support and trust within the group. Participants are challenged to take physical and emotional risks. Some of these activities may involve more perceived risk and challenge and include props such as wooden platforms, boards, ropes, and cables.
Location: Golliher Low Ropes Course near Thomas Hall
Time: 1-2 hours
Group Size: 8-20
Price Per Participant: $5/hour/person
Activities: Depending on group interest and goals, can include bouldering, roped top-rope climbing with COLP belayers, or an intro to climbing and belaying lesson. Great for youth birthday parties! Supervised and led by COLP staff.
Location: Indoor Climbing Wall in Young Center
Time: 2-4 hours
Group Size: 8 - 18
Price Per Participant: $10/person/hour
Activities: Includes equipment, instruction on basic climbing, top-rope climbing, supervision by PCIA instructor and student leaders.
Location: Spearfish Canyon, Custer State Park, or Keystone (west)
Time: 1 hour (does not include travel time)
Group Size: 8-16
Price Per Participant: $5/person
Activities: Depending on group goals, can include safety supervision, basic skill instruction, and paddling on a calm lake.
Location: Iron Creek Lake or Mirror Lake
Time: ~5 hours
Group Size: 4-8
Price Per Participant: $25/person
Activities: Skills instruction including ferrying, eddy turns, peel outs, LNT, and group travel protocols on Class I-II water. Kayaks include wet exit practice.
Pre-requisite: Flatwater paddling experience, water comfort, basic fitness.
Location: Sand Creek, Redwater, or Belle Fourche Rivers as flows allow
Time: 1-3 hours
Group Size: 5-12
Price Per Participant: $5/person
Required: If the group selects on-water fishing, each participant must have a valid SD fishing license on their person.
Activities: Depending on group goals, program may include safety supervision, equipment, casting skills, knots, strategies, fishing, fish cleaning and fish cooking.
Locations: Young Center and/or Mirror Lake or State lands in Spearfish Canyon near Savoy
Time: 1-2 hours
Group Size: 5-12
Price Per Participant: $5/person
Activities: Discuss materials and tools and tie a couple of flies you can keep and use.
Location: Young Center
Time: 1-2 hours
Group Size: 5-12
Price Per Participant: $5/person for non-forest service lands, otherwise $10/person
Activities: Basic skill instruction and guided trail excursion
Location: On campus, local parks or state lands, or Big Hill Trails or Eagle Cliff Trails
Time: 1-2 hours
Group Size: 5-15
Price Per Participant: $5/person for non-forest service lands, otherwise $10/person
Activities: Basic skill instruction and guided trail excursion
Location: On campus, Big Hill Trails or Eagle Cliff Trails
Time: 1-3 hours
Group Size: 8-20
Price Per Participant: $5/person
Activities: Learn how to use a map and compass to find your way in the backcountry. Practice your skills on a course in the forest.
Location: Young Center and/or on campus and/or nearby forested area
Time: 1 hour
Group Size: 8-50
Price Per Participant: $1/person
Activities: Don’t be “that guy!” Learn the 7 Principles of Leave No Trace Outdoor Ethics. Participate in age and group-appropriate hands-on activities to help you respect the land and other recreationists.
Location: Young Center and/or on campus and/or nearby forested area
Time: 1 hour
Group Size: 8-50
Price Per Participant: $1/person
Activities: Learn more about the Great Outdoors through outdoor activities designed for your group.
Location: Young Center and/or on campus and/or nearby forested area
Time: 1 hour
Group Size: 8-16
Price Per Participant: $5/person
Activities: Using our Genesis Bows and following international target-style archery, obtain a range orientation and safety check by COLP Leader, and practice target shooting on the range.
Location: Young Center Field House