Although there is a wide variety of student organizations on campus, often a student or a group of students may decide to form a new organization. In order to be a recognized organization at BHSU, there are several steps that must be completed. These include:

  • Being in compliance with the South Dakota Board of Regents and University regulations. (See the Policies and Procedures outlined in the Student Organization Policy Manual).
  • Submitting your organization's constitution and by-laws to the Student Engagement and Programming Coordinator in the Student Union Room 211A. (For information on writing a constitution, refer to the constitution guidelines, in the Student Organization Policy Manual).
  • Complete the Student Organization Recognition Form below. A hard copy of the form is also available at the Student Union Information Center. 
  • Upon review of the submitted information, the paperwork will be forwarded to the Student Senate for formal recognition.

Student Organization Fair

Each year at the beginning of the Fall and Spring semesters, student organizations hold a fair to exhibit information about their groups and recruit new members. The fair consists of many booths, tables, and displays located outside between the Student Union and Jonas Hall, and throughout the Student Union lobby areas.

This is a great opportunity to see the many organizations on campus, visit with members, and explore your areas of interest. You will find out when the organizations meet, what types of activities, fundraising events, and projects the groups have planned, and how getting involved with an organization can benefit you as a student and as a valuable member of society.