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Goal of Future Teachers Association

The Association will better develop the skills of future educators through professional development, socials, and classroom experiences. The Association should also be aware and understand what success looks like in the classroom. As an association, we want to inspire students and to help them transition into lifelong learners. The council will work as allies and a resource for Black Hills State University prospective education majors, and preservice teachers.

Follow Us on the Remind App for updates and times/locations @bhsufta

Purpose of Future Teachers Association

  • Bring undergraduate students together to learn and grow in education at BHSU 
  • Offer professional development opportunities 
  • Gather students together for social opportunities 
  • Interact and support BHSU University Events
  • Provide resources for future classrooms
  • Fundraising for FTA travel, apparel, resources 
  • Provide leadership opportunities

Who can be involved in Future Teachers Association?

Anyone that is an education major or pursuing a degree that can lead to education (e.g., Social Sciences)

  • Elementary Education
  • Special Education
  • Secondary Education
  • Early Childhood Education
  • Physical Education
  • Math & Science Education
  • Outdoor Education

Anyone is welcome to attend our professional developments, socials or community events!

Events During the Year

Kiddie Carnival

  • Every fall FTA teams up with the SWARM Days committee to host a carnival for students in the community.

Book Fair

  • Every year we host a book fair on campus! The money raised will go back to our organization members to purchase books for their future classroom libraries.

Other Events

  • Community reading in classrooms
  • Social events each month
  • Once a month (or more) we get together to have fun! 

Other Information

We communicate through the Remind app to keep all of our members in touch.

Leadership Team

Co-Chair: Emma Fink
Co-Chair: Nakiesha Hawkins
Secretary: Kailey Rector
Representatives: Kailey Rector & Ashley Bear