Required Core - 33 semester hours
- 4 CHEM 112 General Chemistry I & 112L Lab (gen ed)
- 4 CHEM 114 General Chemistry II & 114L Lab (gen ed)
- 4 CHEM 326 Organic Chemistry I & 326L Lab
- 4 CHEM 328 Organic Chemistry II & 328L Lab
- 4 CHEM 332 Analytical Chemistry & 332L Lab
- 3 CHEM 342 Physical Chemistry I
- 4 CHEM 464 Biochemistry & 464L Lab
- 1 CHEM 490 Senior Seminar
- 4 MATH 123 Calculus I
Chemistry Emphasis
- 4 CHEM 452 Inorganic Chemistry & 452L Lab
- 4 MATH 125 Calculus II
- 5 PHYS 211 University Physics I & 211L Lab
- 5 PHYS 213 University Physics II & 213L Lab
- Required Electives - 9-12 semester hours
- 4 CHEM 355 Field Environmental Chemistry & 355L Lab
- 4 CHEM 434 Instrumental Analysis & 434L Lab
- 3 CHEM 344 Physical Chemistry II & 344 L Lab
- 1-4 CHEM 492 Topics
- 4 BIOL 343 Cell & Molecular Biology & 343L Lab
- 3 MATH 321 Differential Equations
- 3 MATH 281 Introduction to Statistics
- 4 MATH 225 Calculus III
- 3 PHYS 331 Modern Physics
Biochemistry Emphasis
- 4 BIOL 151 General Biology I & 151L Lab
- 4 BIOL 153 General Biology II & 153L Lab
- 4 CHEM 465 Biochemistry II & 465L Lab
- Take one of the following groups:
- 4 PHYS 111 Introduction to Physics I & 111L Lab
- 4 PHYS 113 Introduction to Physics II & 113L Lab
- or
- 5 PHYS 211 University Physics I & 211L Lab
- 5 PHYS 213 University Physics II & 213L Lab
Required Electives - 6-8 semester hours
- 3 BIOL 317 Electron Microscopy & 317L Lab
- 4 BIOL 325 Physiology & 325L Lab
- 4 BIOL 331 Microbiology & 331L Lab
- 4 BIOL 343 Cell & Molecular Biology & 343L Lab
- 4 BIOL 371 Genetics & 371L Lab
- 4 BIOL 381 Vertebrate Anatomy & 381L Lab
- 3 CHEM 344 Physical Chemistry II
- 4 CHEM 434 Instrumental Analysis & 434L Lab
- 4 CHEM 452 Inorganic Chemistry & 452L Lab
- 1-4 CHEM 492 Topics
Gen Ed Requirements - 35 semester hours
- Social Science - 9 semester hours (See footnote * below)
- Arts & Humanities - 12 semester hours (See footnote * below)
- Natural Science & Lab - satisfied by major
- 3 ENGL 101 Composition I
- 3 ENGL 201 Composition II
- 3 MATH Gen Ed - Mathematics
- 3 CMST Gen Ed - Speech
* Global Requirement: depending on your selection, this requirement will satisfy 3 hours of either Social Science or Arts & Humanities requirements. Take 1 course from AIS/HIST 257, ANTH 210, ARTH 211/212/251, ENGL 211/212, GEOG 210, HIST 121/122/153, HUM 100, MCOM 151, POLS 141/250 A minor is NOT required with this major but electives are required to total 120 hours, of which 36 hours must be 300/400 level courses.
Minor in Chemistry - 20 hours
- 4 CHEM 112 General Chemistry I & 112L Lab
- 4 CHEM 114 General Chemistry II & 114L Lab
- 4 CHEM 326 Organic Chemistry I & 326L Lab
- 4 CHEM 328 Organic Chemistry II & 328L Lab
- 4 CHEM 332 Analytical Chemistry & 332L Lab
4 CHEM 464 Biochemistry I & 464L Lab
Minor in Chemistry - Teaching - 22 hours
- 4 CHEM 112 General Chemistry I & 112L Lab
- 4 CHEM 114 General Chemistry II & 114L Lab
- 4 CHEM 326 Organic Chemistry I & 326L Lab
- 4 CHEM 328 Organic Chemistry II & 328L Lab
- 4 CHEM 464 Biochemistry II & 464L Lab
4 CHEM 332 Analytical Chemistry & 332L Lab
- 3 SEED 413 7-12 Science Methods
Chemistry 4 Year Plan
Composite Chemistry: 4-YEAR PLAN A minor is NOT required with this major but electives are required to total 120 hours, of which 36 hours must be 300/400 level courses. The Required Core is highly recommended to be taken as listed. This will allow you to fulfill your General Education Requirements for the University and progress through the Chemistry Program efficiently.
Fall Semester
MATH 102, 115, 121 or 123 (gen ed & pre-req for CHEM 112, 114, & MATH 281)
Spring Semester
CHEM-112/L General Chemistry I & Lab
MATH 115 or 120 (pre-req for MATH 123)
Minor/Elective Course
Fall Semester
CHEM 114/L General Chemistry II & Lab (pre-req for CHEM 326, 332)
MATH 123/L Calculus & Lab (pre-req for CHEM 342, MATH 125, & PHYS 211)
Spring Semester
CHEM 332/L Analytical Chemistry & Lab**
MATH 125/L Calculus II & Lab**
Minor/Electives - 3 credits
Fall Semester
CHEM 326/L Organic Chemistry I & Lab (pre-req for CHEM 328, 464)*
Minor/Electives - 3-6 credits
PHYS 211/L University Physics I & Lab*
Spring Semester
CHEM 328/L Organic Chemistry II & Lab (pre-req for CHEM 464)
CHEM 344/L**, CHEM 355/L**, CHEM 434/L**, CHEM 465/L**, GEOL 360, MATH 281, RESR 498 (check pre-reqs for these courses)
PHYS 213/L University Physics II & Lab
Fall Semester
CHEM 342/L Physical Chemistry & Lab*
CHEM 464/L Biochemistry I & Lab*
BIOL 343/L*, GEOL 360, MATH 255*, MATH 281, MATH 321*^, PHYS 331*^, RESR 498 (check pre-reqs for these courses)
Minor/Elective Course(s) - 3-9 credits
Spring Semester
CHEM 452/L Inorganic Chemistry & Lab**
Choose 1: CHEM 344/L**, CHEM 355/L**, CHEM 434/L**, CHEM 465/L**, GEOL 360, MATH 281, RESR 498 (check pre-reqs for these courses)
Minor/Electives - 3-9 credits
* Fall Only Classes
** Spring Only Classes
^ Even Years
^^ Odd Years