
JacketHub is a student success system that connects students with the tools and resources that they might need in order to be successful. The system allows students to easily schedule appointments with their professors and advisors and allows them to help students become successful. JacketHub also allows the University to commend students for a job well done and remind them about non-classroom-related tasks that they need to complete.

A student’s Success Network is a group of campus individuals who have a connection with the student. These include the faculty members the student is currently taking classes from, Student Support Staff, the student’s Professional Advisor, Res Life staff, Veteran’s Affairs Staff, Athletic Coaches, etc.  

JacketHub allows the University to remind students about non-classroom-related tasks that they need to complete in regard to Financial Aid and Registration. Faculty can also send kudos to a student for a job well done. A student, along with their Success Network, will be notified via email when they have an alert in the JacketHub system.