Safety and Security Banner



Black Hills State University is committed to safety and security. In times of emergency, the University will provide an appropriate campus-wide response to ensure safety and minimize losses.

Emergency preparedness is also an individual responsibility. Take time now to read and become familiar with the contents of the following pages before an emergency occurs. In the event of an emergency on the campus, updated information will be made available here.

Safety Policies

The following safety policies are enforced at BHSU:

  • Flammable liquids (such as gasoline) shall not be stored in residence halls or inside any buildings except in NFPA cabinets approved for flammable storage.

  • No open flames (candles, lanterns, incense, etc.) are permitted in residence halls or inside any buildings except in laboratories and maintenance shops designed for this purpose.

  • No fireworks shall be used or stored on campus.

Firearms Policy

Per BOR policy, firearms are not allowed on campus unless they are stored in one of the two following methods:

  • In a locked vehicle, unloaded, fully cased, and hidden from view. 
  • Stored in the Public Safety Office (by appointment only). No related ammunition will be stored in the Public Safety Office. Appointments for firearms storage can be made by calling 605.641.6988.  

Dangerous Weapons

Per BOR policy, dangerous weapons that are not allowed on campus include, but are not limited to the following: handguns, gas guns, metal knuckles, gravity knives, knives with blades longer than five inches, any switchblade knives, firearm silencers, machine guns, short rifles, short shotguns, blowguns, bow and arrows, slingshots, B.B. guns, pellet guns, air guns, stun guns, and paint guns. Students offending this standard risk suspension from the university. Ammunition is not permitted in the residence halls.  

Personal Safety Tips

  • Be alert and aware of people around and approaching you.
  • Don't walk alone. Walk with a friend or in a group.
  • Use public walkways. Avoid shortcuts and dark or secluded places.
  • Know your route and the quickest way to get help.
  • Know the locations of emergency telephones.
  • Use the Student Safety Escort Service* for escorts on and near campus.

If you become a victim of crime, follow these tips:

  • Remain calm. Stay in control of yourself and try not to panic.
  • Try to get a useful description of the assailant.
  • Don't resist if the only thing the assailant wants is your money or property.
  • If resistance is required, get angry! Shout at the suspect or scream for passersby.
  • Always call the police if you have been a victim of a crime or witnessed a crime.