The Sponsored Programs Office provides services to assist faculty and staff in securing external funds to enhance instruction and provide research opportunities for students, and support innovative and scholarly research and educational development. Services include:
If you have a specific research interest or an idea you would like to pursue, the staff will assist you in searching for potential funding sources and help you identify others on or off-campus who might be interested in collaborating.
Applications generally have many sections, including a summary and narrative, budget, assurance forms, face pages, etc. The staff will help you organize your proposal and assist you with forms and budgets.
All proposals involving BHSU must be submitted through the Sponsored Programs Office to ensure the proper approvals have been secured. The staff will work with you to submit your proposal online or by mail.
All contracts to BHSU must be routed through the Sponsored Programs Office. A contract to BHSU is only valid if the President or Vice President has signed it. The staff prepares agreements from BHSU, reviews agreements to BHSU, and routes all agreements for signatures. Contracts signed by individual faculty and staff members are only valid if they do not involve BHSU--e.g. a consulting or evaluation agreement with a firm or outside agency that is awarded directly to the faculty or staff member and does not involve BHSU facilities, students, or other resources.
The Business Office and Post-Award Accounting Office (605.642.6707) establish restricted funds for grants and contracts, and monitor fund activity. Grantees should work closely with the Post-Award Accounting staff regarding grantor or sponsor expectations regarding reporting, invoicing, and other fiscal issues.
The Sponsored Programs Office helps ensure that faculty and staff who are directing projects comply with all of the requirements of their sponsors and funding agencies, and that institutional policies and procedures also comply. The staff provides ongoing assistance with budget monitoring, project management, and compliance requirements.
At your request, a small panel of volunteer faculty/staff peer reviewers will review your proposal and offer feedback. This is a very effective way to ensure that you have responded clearly to all of the requested information in the RFP or grant announcement and that your proposal can be understood by reviewers from various backgrounds.
For additional information, please contact:
Cate Caldwell, Ph.D.
Director, Grants and Sponsored Programs
Woodburn 203
P: 605.642.6371 | E: