When you graduate with either of our majors in Spanish you have a wide range of options, both in the courses that you will take and in job opportunities after graduation. At BHSU, you may pursue both a Bachelor of Science in Education (BSEd) degree and a Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree in Spanish.
As an integral part of the University’s liberal arts and humanities program, our degrees prepare you to think critically, to intelligently articulate your ideas both orally and in writing, and to learn how to perceive and understand your world from a variety of perspectives.
The BSEd degree prepares you to teach at the K-12 level by incorporating preparation to pass the teaching certification exam into the curriculum. The BA degree in Spanish prepares you for immediate professional entry into a broad range of career fields or to continue your education by pursuing an advanced degree, which would make you an even more viable job candidate as well as prepare you for a career as university faculty.
To broaden your horizons, you might consider working on a minor or a second major to go along with your Spanish degree. International Studies, History, Human Services, and Political Science come to mind immediately. You might also consider the arts. Art and Music stand out. In reality, with the enormous and continuing growth of Spanish as a first and second language in the United States, a Spanish degree opens many doors.
Bilingual Educator
College Professor
International Relations Consultant
Foreign Exchange Trader
Publishing Specialist
Foreign Correspondent
International Account Manager
International Banking Officer
Bilingual customer support
Cultural Events Coordinator
Travel Agent
National Security Agent
Immigration Officer
Court Interpreter
Cultural Attaché
UNESCO Official
FBI Agent
Foreign Diplomat Missionary
Foreign Service Officer
For more options of a career with a Spanish degree, go to a career search engine (such as Monster Jobs), type Spanish in the search box, and see what comes up!