Sign up for the Campus Alert!

Sign up for the campus alert system to be the first to know about closures and other important information in the case of an emergency. 

Please use discretion when traveling in winter conditions. To keep notified of current road conditions visit South Dakota 511 or South Dakota Department of Transportation

For Information on Road Conditions please call 511 and enter the number of the SD Highway.

Pressing “7” will take you to a menu for reports for North Dakota, Nebraska, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado and Minnesota.

Emergency: Sudden, unexpected, or impending situation that may cause injury, loss of life, damage to property, and/or interference with normal activities and which, therefore, requires immediate attention and remedial action.

Emergency Procedures

BHSU Emergency Alert System

Please register for the BHSU emergency alert system. Authorization codes are generated for all new students within the first four weeks of the semester and will be sent to your BHSU Yellow Jacket e-mail account. Once registered, you will receive alert messages in the event of an emergency and closures (weather or other).

Duty to Report

SDCL 22-11-12 Misprision of felony--Misdemeanor. Any person who, having knowledge, which is not privileged, of the commission of a felony, conceals the felony, or does not immediately disclose the felony, including the name of the perpetrator, if known, and all other relevant known facts to the proper authorities, is guilty of misprision of a felony. Misprision of a felony is a Class 1 misdemeanor. There is no misprision of misdemeanors or petty offenses. This report must be made to BHSU Public Safety or Spearfish Police at (605)642-1305. Information should also be given to the Vice President for Student Life at (605)642-6599.

Medical Emergency

Call 911 and provide as much information as requested.

  • Do not move individual; keep victim still.

  • Protect victim from any disturbances.

  • Wait for emergency personnel to arrive.

  • Do not leave the victim alone, if possible.

  • If trained, locate and use the nearest Automatic External Defibrillator (AED).


Call 911.

  • Activate nearest fire alarm and evacuate.

  • Do not use elevators.

  • Do not attempt to retrieve valuables.

  • Do not re-enter building until authorized by emergency personnel.

Threatening/Disruptive Behavior

Call BHSU Public Safety.
If immediate danger - call 911.

  • Secure area by locking or barricading door using any means available.

  • Stay behind solid objects away from door.

  • Follow all directions of authorities.

Rape/Sexual Assault
  • If you are the victim of sexual assault, report incident immediately; call 911.

  • Do not shower.

  • Provide as much information as requested.

  • Report assault to BHSU Public Safety; they will notify the Title IX coordinator.

Hazardous Material Spill

Call BHSU Facilities Services.

  • Be alert for further instructions.

  • If hazardous material spill is in the Spearfish area, evacuation of the campus may be necessary.

  • Follow directions of authorities.

  • Call 911. Tell operator "This is an emergency."

  • Be assertive; escape if possible.

  • Follow directions of authorities.

  • DO NOT hang up until told unless immediate safety is threatened.

  • Notify BHSU Public Safety.

  • BHSU Public Safety will declare a partial or entire "lockdown."

  • During lockdown, remain in location until told.

  • Barricade or lock doors if possible.

  • Instruct others to get on the floor away from windows and doors.

  • Turn lights off; remain quiet.

  • Remain in lockdown mode until "all clear" is given by officials.

Evacuation Information
  • Follow directions of authorities.

  • Secure hazardous materials or equipment.

  • Take personal belongings (keys, purses, wallets, cell phones, etc.).

  • Use the nearest exit; if blocked use alternative exit.

  • Do not use elevators.

  • Assist persons with disabilities or special needs.

  • Account for individuals.

Suspicious Person
  • Do not let anyone into a locked building/office or allow anyone to "tailgate" into the building behind you.

  • Do not confront the person or block the person's exit.

  • Call 911 and provide as much information as possible.

Suspicious Object
  • Do not touch or disturb object.

  • Call 911 and provide as much information as possible.

  • Be prepared to evacuate.

Utility Problem

In case of water, power, heat or cooling outages, call BHSU Facilities Services.

  • Remain alert for further instructions.

Tornado/Weather Response

Tornado Watch means conditions are right for tornado; remain alert to weather conditions.

Tornado Warning means a tornado has been sighted within a 25-mile radius; warnings are typically available 3-15 minutes in advance of a tornado.

In the Spearfish area Civil Defense Sirens will sound whenever there is a tornado warning.

  • Go to the internal, lowest area of safety: hallways or basement away from windows or glass.

  • Do not use elevators during tornado warning. Persons with mobility concerns: go to a safe place during tornado watch; do not wait for warning.

  • Close doors including main corridors.

  • Crouch near floor or under heavy, well-supported objects; cover your head.

  • If outside, lie down in a low area such as a ditch; cover your head.

  • Be alert for fire; use fire plan as needed.