Leading a faculty-led program (FLP) contributes to advancing BHSU's commitment to fostering student development and global awareness, while giving you the chance to internationalize your classroom, research and networks. The Office of International Relations serves as your point of contact and support in developing and delivering these programs. Below, you will find helpful resources and step-by-step instructions to start the process of developing your FLP. We look forward to working with you!
** Video courtesy of Truman State University as posted on Youtube.com**
Once your program is fully approved, you will need to focus on recruiting students. The Office of International Relations will assist you in this effort by developing and distributing marketing materials and helping you identify and execute outreach efforts, which may include:
Find lots of faculty resources provided by other institutions HERE!
Woodburn 115 Map
Phone: 605-642-6942
Fax: 605-642-6254
International Relations & Global Engagement
Black Hills State University
1200 University St.
Spearfish, SD, USA 57799
1200 University Street
Spearfish, SD
Phone: 605.642.6131
Fax: 605.642.6254
4300 Cheyenne Blvd
Box Elder, SD
Phone: 605.718.4112
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