SPEARFISH, S.D. – Black Hills State University Professor Emeritus David Wolff is presenting “Two Visions of Success: Seth Bullock and James K. P. Miller in Early Deadwood” on Thursday, April 14, 2022, at 4:30 p.m. on the campus of Black Hills State University in the Joy Center (1351 St. Joe Street).
Wolff specializes in South Dakota and Black Hills history. His research interests focus on gold camp personalities and their actions, the good and the bad. This presentation examines the lives of Seth Bullock and James K. P. Miller, who were two of Deadwood’s leading citizens. They arrived with the gold rush, ran businesses next to each other, and worked to turn the gold camp into a prosperous community. Despite having many shared experiences, they had different visions of what success meant for themselves and for Deadwood. Wolff will discuss their motivations and actions, while examining how the two men interacted with one another. They both accomplished much as they helped create a modern Deadwood, but they did it in different ways.
The presentation will be followed by a reception and a book signing of Wolff's latest book, "The Savior of Deadwood: James K. P. Miller on the Gold Frontier." Copies will be available for purchase. The event is hosted by the BHSU College of Liberal Arts, the Leland D. Case Library for Western Historical Studies, and the Joy Center. Refreshments provided courtesy of the BHSU Foundation.
Contact Lori Terrill at 605-642-6361 or Lori.Terrill@BHSU.edu with questions.
Persons with disabilities requesting accommodations for this event should call Lori Terrill at least 48 hours prior to the start of the event.