Spearfish - Black Hills State University will host a ribbon cutting event for its new finance lab on March 31, 2022.
BHSU President Laurie Nichols and South Dakota State Senator Ryan Maher will be speaking at the event, and Ryan Delzer will give a lab demonstration. Doors open at 3:15 p.m. in Meier Hall 210, with the event starting at 3:30 p.m. and President Nichols performing the ribbon cutting at 3:45 p.m.
The new finance lab was established to enhance BHSU’s business program and offer hands-on application opportunities for students.
“The new Jacket Investment Lab is an exciting addition to the BHSU School of Business,” said BHSU’s Interim Dean for the School of Business, Laura Prosser. “The software in the new lab highlights data on numerous markets, breaking news, and can be customized to show specific portfolios such as the one held by our Jacket Investment Club.”
The lab space will be used as a classroom and a meeting place for the BHSU Jacket Investment Club, and recruiters will also be able to use the space to meet with students. Prosser described the new finance lab as an important fulfillment of the BHSU business program’s goals and expectations as an AACSB accredited university.
“The experience with industry-focused software and analytical tools will allow BHSU business graduates to more quickly reach their professional goals, along with fulfilling employer needs within the region. We are privileged to have this new lab and excited for the possibilities it will offer to our students,” said Prosser.
Coffee and cookies will be served before the ribbon cutting and the event will conclude at 4 p.m.
For additional information, contact Laura Prosser at laura.prosser@bhsu.edu.