BHSU now offers a Visitor Pass! For $100 you can observe a class on a space-available basis. There is a limit of two classes per semester, and no college credits will be earned.
Summer - two weeks before class starts
Fall / Spring - two weeks before the semester starts
Fill out the online registration form.
This program is designed to provide the public with the opportunity to visit classes without the need to complete assignments or tests. However, since the fee is significantly less than the usual tuition and fees, visitors will not participate in class activities unless invited by the instructor. This program is a non-credit offering, and participants will not be admitted to the university. No grades will be assigned and no transcripts will be available. Participants must purchase a parking permit if they intend to park a vehicle on campus.
Registration cannot be made prior to two weeks before classes begin.
Participants in the Class Visitor Program will not be admitted to the institution and will not be included on the class roster of any course a participant visits. No record will be maintained in the system's student information system and no transcript will be available. Participants will not be included in any institutional or system enrollment count. Participants do not earn college credit for being a visitor.
To participate, an individual must be a high school graduate. No individual currently enrolled in any course offered by any of the Regental institutions may participate. No individual currently under suspension or expulsion from any of the Regental institutions may participate. No individual who has had a Pass issued under this program revoked for disruptive behavior may participate.
The fee for a Pass for a single course will be $100. A participant may not visit more than two classes in any semester.
The participant will solely be a visitor in the classroom. The participant will not be permitted to complete or submit any assignments, tests, or class projects for grading. Participation in classroom discussion is at the discretion of the faculty member. Failure to follow these guidelines will be considered disruptive behavior and the pass will be revoked. If the visitor engages in other behaviors which disrupt the class, the instructor may revoke the Pass.
The participant may request a refund within ten calendar days of the start of the semester by surrendering the Pass to the Registrar's Office, Woodburn 104.
The participant will be responsible for books and other materials used in the class.
The participant may not have credit transcripted for a visited course through any validation means. To earn credit, a participant must subsequently register for the course, pay the required tuition and fees and meet all established requirements.
Participants, who will park a vehicle on campus, will be required to purchase a parking permit at Facilities Services.
Visitor registrations are accepted for a period of approximately two weeks each semester. They begin one week prior to a semester's start and continue through census day for the term.