Paige Deyo - Am I supposed to look at the camera?
Joey Fasso - You're a little bit less serious.
Megan Brozik - Hi, my name is Megan Brozik.
Morgan Plucker - I'm Morgan.
Brooklyn Anderson - My name's Brooklyn Anderson.
Katelyn Vocu - My name's Katelyn Vocu.
Joey Fasso - I'm Joey Fasso and I'm from Benkleman, Nebraska.
Zak Cina - Rapid City, South Dakota.
Seth Gustafson - I'm from Cheyenne, Wyoming.
Amber Potter - Faulkton, South Dakota.
Brooklyn Anderson - I am first.
Morgan Plucker - I am first.
Seth Gustafson - I am first.
Paige Deyo - Hi, my name is Paige Deyo. I'm from Newcastle, Wyoming and I am a first generation student.
Brooklyn Anderson - It's definitely exciting, but it can definitely be challenging as well because you don't know what you're getting yourself into.
Megan Brozik - I was really nervous about making friends when I came here.
Katelyn Vocu - I had a lot of irrational fears. I was -- every college movie I've seen, I've never seen anyone have a backpack on, and I was worried about if I should bring a backpack.
Seth Gustafson - I think it's, it's good to have change. I think with change it kind of gives yourself new challenges to overcome which in turn kind of make you a better person.
Paige Deyo - Just take advantage of everything, all the opportunities, go to all the games, make all the new friends.
Kayla McCloskey - Give it a shot, and you're not going to realize what you're capable of.
Zak Cina - Have those people in your network, whether it's an advisor or other friends through TRIO that no one understand what it's like to be a first generation student because you're not alone.
Brooklyn Anderson - With a small campus, it's so nice that when you walk into the classroom they know your name, and that is something huge to me because I just feel like "oh" they care about my learning and me as an individual.
Morgan Plucker - Like if you feel that because no one in your family's done it before that you can't do it, just be that first person to do it. And it starts a completely different cycle that's way more rewarding than you realize at the time.
Madisyn Backes - College is kind of talked down upon, especially in today's world. It's just expensive, but I think there's a lot of value that comes with the experience of it.
Megan Brozik - I'm always excited to see first gen students here because they are starting their own journey.
Zak Cina - It's big and scary, but you're bigger and scarier.
Joey Fasso - I've always stuck by this philosophy and I had to realize it kind of later in college, but it was to seize the opportunities your ancestors didn't have. You know, if you're a first generation student, more than likely, you know, your grandparents didn't get these opportunities, your parents didn't get these opportunities, and now it's your turn.