Registering for Classes

Students at BHSU can plan one year ahead when it comes to class registration. Each semester, students receive a registration eligibility date and time. Students should meet with their advisor to register for classes on or very shortly after their eligibility date to ensure they get the classes they need to graduate on time.

Schedule an appointment with your advisor in JacketHub! 

To find your registration date and time, log into MyBHSU/SNAP. Select the 'Registration' link in the 'Banner Self Service' section on right panel, then select the 'Student Registration' link in the 'Registration' section. Finally, select the 'Prepare for Registration' link, and enter the term you'll be registering for. A message will pop up with the date and time your registration ticket opens.

The following links will help you prepare for registration with your advisor:

  • DegreeWorks - Your DegreeWorks dashboard is an audit of your progress in your specific program and in general education requirements. Log into MyBHSU, scroll to the bottom of your student landing page and select “DegreeWorks Dashboard” on the right panel.
  • Course rotations
  • Status Sheets

Contact Info

Janette Hettick-Waltz
Director, Student Success Center
Student Success Center
Phone: 605.642.6934