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Ensuring equality of opportunity in the hiring process is a primary goal in the selection process. It is the policy of Black Hills State University to encourage all qualified candidates to apply for employment, and to hire the individual who can best fulfill the requirements of a position without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, ancestry, citizenship, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, or genetic history. This handbook serves as a guide for Black Hills State University search and screen committee members. It is intended as a guide only; the steps in the process which are mandatory are identified as such. It is not likely that all questions or suggestions will apply to every single situation. It is also impossible to include even a synopsis of the wealth of information available regarding the recruitment and selection of faculty and administrators. It would be beneficial for any search committee member to do some reading on the subject.

It is recommended that these procedures be used to fill both permanent and temporary faculty and administrative professional (NFE) appointments. The length and rank of the temporary appointment and the compensation are factors to consider when making this decision. Even for temporary positions, recruitment helps to assure the University of the best qualified candidates for appointments. A request to waive formal recruitment procedures should be routed through the appropriate administrative channels. 

Education, training, experience, skills, aptitudes, and general ability, as well as qualities such as motivation, ability to work with others, and ability to accept directions may all be considered as qualifications for a position. It is critical to remember that all selection criteria must be job related and must be applied consistently to all applicants.

A necessary ingredient of the search committee is skilled leadership. The best search committee chairperson is able to lead discussions of the search committee in a manner that balances constructively the discussions of the committee regarding the various candidates. The chair of the search and screen committee is responsible for ensuring that the proceedings conform to applicable policies, regulations, rules, and statutes. The chair should also appoint a committee member as a recorder, and a member as the coordinator of the on-campus visits. Finally, the chair is responsible for the submission of the final report.

Lastly, it is important to remember that following the proscribed steps does not replace face-to-face communication regarding the search with the applicable vice president, or in some situations, the President.