Our New Logo

This new logo will strengthen the BHSU brand throughout the region and make a positive first impression. The logo celebrates our history and looks forward to our future.

The new BHSU logo, depicting an H inside of a B, with the outline of a pine tree in the negative space. The words "Black Hills State University" are to the right of the logo.

Why A New Logo?

We had been using versions of the current logo since it was developed in 1960 and we were overdue for a change. The need for a simple and distinctive BHSU logo became apparent with changes in digital communication. The logo is one component of our initiative to enhance the BHSU brand.

The old BHSU logo, depicting geometric, yellow and green triangles as the hills, with the words "Black Hills State University" underneath the logo.

Development Process

BHSU partnered with Fresh Produce, an advertising agency in Sioux Falls, to develop the new logo. A group of faculty, staff, and students reviewed many designs before moving forward and making final modifications.

The new BHSU logo, depicting an H inside of a B, with the outline of a pine tree in the negative space. Wrapped around the logo are the words "Black Hills State University."

Designed For Digital

Whether our audience visits through webpages, emails, or social media, the need for a simple yet meaningful digital-friendly design was key. The logo also needed to better convey who we are through both mobile and desktop computers.


Take The Next Step

Develop valuable personal relationships in a small community with amazing faculty and staff while thriving in the outdoors of the Black Hills.