The Dakota Wind Quintet will give a free performance at Meier Recital Hall Sept. 30 at 7 p.m.
The group will provide master classes to BHSU music students and perform music created by local students to the public.
Dr. David Berberick, associate professor of music at BHSU, said, “This is really a unique thing these guys are doing, they are not coming to play standard music, they are playing music written by students in our area that otherwise wouldn’t be heard.”
Berberick went on to say that the Dakota Wind Quintet’s goal of coming out here is to get students involved with professional musicians who otherwise would not have that opportunity.
Since its formation in 1982, the Dakota Wind Quintet has traveled throughout the state of South Dakota and the Midwest, giving concerts and lecture demonstrations, as well as live performances on MPR and SDPB Radio. Much of the Dakota Wind Quintet’s time as a chamber ensemble is spent in the community performing at concert halls, colleges, community centers and public schools. Its members also serve as principal wind players of the South Dakota Symphony Orchestra.
The group consists of William Cedeno Torres, Jeffrey Paul, John Tomkins, Christopher Hill and Daniel Kitchens.
For more information about the concert, contact Dr. David Berberick at