cowboy riding a bucking bronco at a rodeo

SPEARFISH - Black Hills State University rodeo is announcing the annual Cowboys & Candlelight Banquet, a live and online fundraising event, set for March 26.

Hosted at the Spearfish Holiday Inn & Convention Center, a silent auction will take place both online and in person. Starting at 5 p.m. there will be sponsor recognition and a chance to meet the BHSU rodeo team, followed by a prime rib dinner served at 6 p.m. The event will conclude at 10 p.m.

Registration for the banquet is open until March 18. Ticket prices are $45 per individual, $90 per couple, $300 for a table of six, and $800 for a table of eight. Tickets and registration are available online at or by texting “BHRODEO” to 76278.

All funds raised through the event will be used for rodeo scholarships and to cover travel expenses of the BHSU rodeo team.

“The banquet is a great opportunity for us to gather together with BHSU alumni, family, and friends. Our team really enjoys hosting this event and getting to know people in our community,” BHSU rodeo coach Glen Lammers said.
Auction items may also be viewed at Music will be provided by Bobby Stohrer Productions.

For questions or more information, contact Coach Lammers at (605) 642-6852.