BHSU to host Outdoor Open House on campus Monday

Black Hills State University welcomes the community to an Outdoor Open House Monday, Nov. 14 from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m. to showcase changes on campus.  

Black Hills State University invites the community to an Outdoor Open House Monday, Nov. 14 from 11-2 p.m. as the University showcases the recently completed construction and landscaping. The Outdoor Open House will include appetizers provided by A'viands, campus tours, and displays by students and faculty centered around the new cul-de-sac southeast of Woodburn Hall.

"Many people have inquired about the earth moving and landscaping, so we've planned an Outdoor Open House to showcase the changes and enjoy the exceptionally nice fall weather," Kathy Johnson, Vice President of Finance and Administration, said. "If you haven't been on campus recently, you'll be pleasantly surprised with the updates. The new hillside walkway is a great connector between the campus and the community of Spearfish."

Student leaders will host the event. Members of BHSU athletics teams and admissions representatives will also be part of the celebration. Parking will be available in the Joy Center parking lot (walk up the new walkway) or in the Student Union parking lot (walk past Humbert Hall to the new walkway).

The new sidewalk is ADA-accessible and links the community to campus with a path suitable for biking or walking. BHSU received two grants recently, one from Goldcorp Coeur Wharf and one from the South Dakota Community Foundation, to increase and encourage biking as an active-mode of transportation in Spearfish.

In the case of inclement weather the event will be postponed. Check the BHSU Calendar at for updates.