Have you graduated in the past 10 years?
As a recent graduate of BHSU, we want to help you succeed after the accomplishment of a college diploma. We have many resources for our young alumni. From our graduating seniors' checklist to our tailored Career Center helpful hints for alumni, we're here to make your future bright.
- Email Forwarding: Your BHSU email is yours for life. While we can forward your email for a short period after your graduation, you can choose to keep your Yellowjackets email for life. For more information on the BHSU email, contact the IITS Help Desk.
- Transcript Request: You may order a transcript by mail or fax. Your request should include your full name, address, the approximate dates you attended BHSU, your student ID number or SSN, the address where you would like the transcript mailed, and your signature. Request your official transcript.
- Update your Information: Make sure we have your latest information so you may receive the Alumni Magazine and any other important information from BHSU.
- Show Your Spirit: Show your BHSU Spirit by purchasing a University License Plate or other gifts that benefit our students and campus. We also have great holiday gift ideas such as Richard DuBois watercolor prints. View our variety of items to Show Your Spirit right.
- Alumni Magazine: Our highly regarded Alumni Magazine is a great way to find out what is happening on campus as well as with your fellow alumni. The Alumni Magazine is mailed to all alumni for whom we have current addresses. Update your information to receive the magazine. View the new online version of the Alumni Magazine.
- Donate: It's never too early to start giving back. No matter the amount, any contribution means so much to the students who are following in your footsteps. Success starts with you. Learn more about donating at BHSU.
- Alumni Awards: Young alumni are candidates for the Special Achievement Award, the Excellence in Education Award, and the Young Alumni Achievement Award. Learn more about Alumni Awards or nominate someone for an award.
- Online Community: We want to stay connected with you. Visit our online community to learn more about ways to remain a part of your alma mater through Facebook and more. Check out BHSU's Facebook page and join our online community.
The Young Alumni Achievement Award
- This award honors alumni who have attended BHSU within the last ten years, and who have distinguished themselves with outstanding achievements, contributions, and service to society, the community, and Black Hills State University.
- To nominate someone call the office of Institutional Advancement at 605.642.6446 or send an email to Tom.Wheaton@BHSU.edu to request a nomination form.