Sports Media Emphasis Requirements
Sports Media Emphasis - 44 hours
- 3 BADM 370 Marketing
- 1 HLTH 251 First Aid & CPR
- 3 MCOM 151 Intro to Mass Comm
- 3 MCOM 210 Basic Newswriting
- 3 MCOM 221 Audio Production
- 3 MCOM 317 Multimedia Reporting
- 3 MCOM 327 Advanced Multimedia Reporting
- 3 MCOM 351 Web Design
- 3 MCOM 494 Internship
- 3 PE 440 Org & Admin of HPER
- 2 PE 453 Sport Psychology
Take one of the following:
- 3 MCOM 265 Basic Photography
- 3 MCOM 331 Video Production
Take one of the following:
- 3 MCOM 430 Media Law
- 3 MCOM 452 Mass Media Issues
Take three Coaching Methods courses:
- PE 469 Coach Baseball/Softball
- PE 470 Coach Basketball
- PE 471 Coach Football
- PE 473 Coach Track/Field
- PE 475 Coach Volleyball
Take one of the following:
- MCOM 266 Photojournalism
- MCOM 305 Sports Broadcasting
- MCOM 322 Radio Production
- MCOM 330 Writing for Digital Media
- MCOM 332 Television Production
- MCOM 373 Public Relations Case Study
- MCOM 475 Public Relations
Sports Media 4 Year Plan
Mass Communications - Sports Media Emphasis: 4-YEAR PLAN
A minor is required with this major plus electives to total 120 hours, of which 36 hours must be 300/400 level courses.
Fall Semester
MCOM 151 Introduction to Mass Communication
Spring Semester
MCOM 210 Basic News Writing
MCOM 221 Audio Production
Fall Semester
MCOM 265 Basic Photography OR MCOM 331 Video Production
Spring Semester
MCOM 310 Interviewing for Mass Media
MCOM 452 Mass Media Issues
Fall Semester
MCOM 351 Web Publishing I
MCOM 494 Internship
Spring Semester
MCOM 266 Photojournalism OR MCOM 311 News Editing
Fall Semester
MCOM 452 Mass Media Issues - May take 452 (fall) or 430 (spring).
Choose 1: - May take 305, 330, 373 or 475 (fall); 266 or 311 (spring); or 254 (occasional)
MCOM 305 Sports Broadcasting
MCOM 330 Writing for Digital Media
MCOM 373 Public Relations Case Study
MCOM 475 Public Relations
Spring Semester
MCOM 430 Media Law
MCOM 335 Electronic Journalism
MCOM 495 Practicum